Don't Let Legal Files Overrun Your Office
- Details
- Published: Tuesday, 10 March 2015 14:00
- Written by Pearl Scan
- Hits: 3653

Office space is expensive and can be difficult to come by so why waste it by filling it with filing cabinets, folders and boxes full of documents? We’ll show you how you can free up space and so much more.
Is your office drowning in legal files and documents? You might not even have noticed before but the lack of space and poor document management could be affecting your business in a big way. By storing files in hard copy, you are automatically slowing down file retrieval, restricting sharing and lengthening the time it takes to get the job done overall. That’s not even beginning to mention the fact that you’re leaving files containing important and sensitive information open to the threats of loss, theft and damage!
Away from the documents themselves, storing large amounts of anything in offices will consume space that could be used in other, more productive ways. More worryingly, the lack of space could also be considered a health and safety risk with cramped working spaces and the risk of a staff member tripping or becoming injured as a result of the documents stored in that way. So now I’ve pointed out the problems with your current method of storage, I’m here to offer a solution. Not just any solution though, this solution could transform your office for the better.
Legal Document Scanning
Legal document scanning is the process of digitising and indexing files to be stored more efficiently in a digital document management system whether on a shared network, cloud system or single computer device. Switching to digital document management means you would be able to store all of those files, boxes and filing cabinets digitally and remove the hard copies from your office as well as complying with legal admissibility practices.
Other Benefits
If that isn’t enough, scanning documents also offers;
- Cost savings
- Efficiency boosting
- Improved document security
- Quicker file retrieval
- Allow realtime editing of files
- Boosted employee morale
Pearl Scan Legal
Here at Pearl Scan Legal, we offer a highly effective and bespoke legal scanning service to digitise legal documents ranging from case files and police reports to IVA and debt management files. We handle the entire process from collection of your documents and scanning in high quality at our scanning bureau to delivery of your digital documents and we can also securely shred and dispose of your original files to help you free up that office space. Our services hold a number of security certificates because we understand how important it is to keep legal documents safe and secure. If you would like some more information about our legal scanning process or any of the other services we offer, give us a call and receive your free, no obligation quote.