How Does Document Scanning Help Law Firms?
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- Published: Tuesday, 17 February 2015 12:29
- Written by Pearl Scan
- Hits: 3621
The benefits of legal document scanning can vary between different companies in the legal sector based on the way they currently conduct business.
Many companies looking for solutions to their current document management systems are often looking for one benefit such as increased efficiency or more space. What they don't usually realise is that document scanning and digital document management can bring a whole range of other benefits too. Here's a run-down of four potential benefits your company could gain from completing document scanning with Pearl Scan.
Clearing the Clutter
Imagine your office. What do you see? Do you see a clean and clear desk and enough room to hold a meeting (with space to spare)? Or do you see a cluttered desk and a room full of filing cabinets and boxes making the route to your desk more like an obstacle course? It's time to clear up! Call it an early (or late) spring clean. When you have your documents scanned by document scanning services like Pearl Scan, you will be given digital copies of all of the documents and we can shred and dispose of the paper copies if you wish. This will free up all of the space previously taken up by boxes of documents which will give you the opportunity to rearrange your office or even completely redesign it!
Recovering Costs
If you currently store large quantities of documents off site, your annual storage costs will be racking up significantly. With document scanning and digital document management you can banish those storage costs. Storing digital documents will cost you nothing because they will be stored in computer files or on an online cloud system.
The scanning process itself can cost you as little as a penny per sheet for large quantities and very little more for smaller quantities. This would be a one-off payment compared to the regular outgoing payments for offsite storage, so you can start saving costs almost immediately.
Improving Workflow
With a digital document management system brought about through document scanning, you can improve your workflow no end. Having been OCR processed and indexed, it will be simple and easy to find your documents using a simple text search. You can also email copies to the necessary parties or give them access the files on Pearl Cloud. As well as the quick sharing benefit, you will also be able to view and edit documents from anywhere, at any time. No more being glued to the desk all day.
Peace of Mind
We know how important it is to keep legal documents safe and secure and that's why we operate from highly secure premises. We also offer file encryption and can set up password protection for your documents so they can only be viewed by those who have permission. This form of document storage and document management offers a great deal more protection from damage, theft and loss that hard copy, paper storage does which could eliminate any form of worry you may have about the safety of your documents and means you can focus on more important matters.
If you would like some more information about Pearl Scan's legal document scanning services and how your company can benefit from going digital, take a look at our website or get in touch today for a free, no obligation quote for your scanning project.